Overcoming Fear: How to Quiet Your Doubts and Actually Do the Thing
Explore how fear can hold you back from pursuing our dreams—and practical steps to fight back against fear.

the biggest myths about energy Healing & intuitive readings
Discover the truth behind two of the most misunderstood holistic practices and how they can help you achieve greater balance, clarity, and healing.

Intro to Marketing for Healers
No one can benefit from your healing practice unless they know about it. Learn how to market your services in 5 easy steps.

Soulpreneurship Part 2: Getting Paid
Managing finances isn’t the most fulfilling part of your healing practice, but it’s essential to running a sustainable business. Here are our tips for dealing with the money as a soulpreneur, without selling your soul.

Soulpreneurship: The Best Resources to Build Your Wellness Practice (Part 1!)
To truly flourish as a soulpreneur, you need more than just your healing skills. You also need a solid business foundation. Here’s everything you need to know to build a thriving wellness practice that heals the world and pays the bills.

Top 5 Ways Coworking Serves Your Wellness Practice
Is running your practice out of your living room holding you back? Here are 5 ways coworking can elevate your healing practice and improve your life.

Essentials for Designing a Holistic Workspace
Your office space is more than just a setting for your services; it’s a sanctuary that fosters healing, balance, and inspiration. Here’s where not to compromise when designing your holistic office space.

Know Your Worth: A Guide to Pricing Your Wellness Services
In the wellness space, value can be difficult to quantify, and many wellness practitioners are significantly undercharging for their services. Use this guide to develop competitive pricing that honors your time, knowledge, and experience in your field.

Wellness Practitioners Need Wellness Too
Wellness practitioners need self-care to combat compassion fatigue, avoid burnout, and maintain the quality of their healing care. Learn real strategies you can use to prioritize your own mental, emotional, and spiritual health as you work to heal the world.

Taylor’s Top 10 Podcasts to Manifest Your Dreams
Discover a selection of inspirational podcasts curated by our founder, Taylor Nick, to empower you to follow your dreams, embrace personal growth, and manifest the life your soul desires.

The Healing Power of Community
Community is transformative. Learn why connecting with a tribe is especially important for healers—and how to find yours.

How to Find the Right Workspace for Your Healing Practice
Where you work is a crucial part of how your wellness practice operates. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself when looking for a space in which to do your healing work.